Call A Rider

Pickup Location
Enter the name of the store you want the rider to buy from (Optional)
Choose the city or town where this store is located
Choose the area where the store is located. (If any)
List of items you want to be bought separated by a comma
Delivery Address
Please enter your name or receiver's name.
Full address including house number and street name
Choose the city or town where this store is located
Choose the area where the store is located.
Payment Information
Enter the amount you will be sending
Choose a payment method. (Only Airtel Money and MTN MoMo are supported currently)
mtn momopay logo

Pay with MTN MoMo by dialing *115# and select option 5 MoMoPay then enter 570322 or send to 0968975953

mtn momopay logo

Pay with Airtel Money by dialing *115*8*1375914*amount#

The name of the person making the payment, e.g Mobile Money account name
Enter the phone number that will be used to make the payment
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